Minor Setback

Some sad news to share as I continue redeveloping things around these parts; it appears that the new system I found doesn't quite do everything we were used to. I can indeed create a list that with a little code we can all share, but this list does not update as new entries are posted. It seems that BlogRolling was the only system out there that does this or all that I can find anyway. It's a sad day in Stephen land...

Having said that, I will continue to collect the list in the new software and provide for sharing soon. It'll be in alphabetical form but, a great list none the less. I'll also continue looking for alternatives and please let me know if you come across any on your net journeys.

I'm also going to continue developing the categories idea I have and organize things a little better with these in mind. This will also be the start of the evolution of the Bloggers Choices Awards...

Not all is lost, but BlogRolling continues to be a service that is sorely missed.