Creating Categories

As I previously mentioned, one main focus of mine in this new re-development of the BlogRoll is the creation of categories for the listings. It's actually something I've wanted to do for years, but never found the motivation until recently. It was forced motivation perhaps, but BlogRolling's shutdown has certainly lit a fire under my butt to get it done... and I'm getting closer as each day passes.

At this point I have all 180+ blogs organized into categories that I feel they fit best and believe me, this was no easy task at times. As I visited each blog over the past few days, one thing I noticed (beyond how awesome this collection of blogs is) was that each space is so unique to itself and finding a common theme for many was difficult. Luckily however, in my days within the blogosphere I've come to learn of the term 'Mixed Bag' but I really tried to refrain from using that label unless absolutely necessary. I wanted to put the blogs in a category that I felt they fit best, what the main theme was. A Mixed Bag blog to me, has to hit several different topics in their posting, never knowing what will come the next time, which some of the blogs do.

Looks like we'll have about 15 different categories at this point though, which is pretty neat-o if you ask me. In the coming days and weeks, I'll be adding mini blogrolls to the right hand side of this blog; one for each of these categories.  Like the main roll, newly updated blogs will bump to the top of each of these lists.  The idea is to give visitors a better browsing experience by giving them a way for topical reading.

Beyond that however, the NL Bloggers Choice award will soon be updated as well. It will soon not be about the Blog of the Weeks any longer, but instead it will be about these categories. You'll have to stay tuned for that though.  Give me a chance b'y!  :)