Blog of the Week : 05/29 - 06/04 2011

The Blog of the Week for the week of May 29th to June 4th, 2011 is 'Librarian Mom'; a personal blog from the mind of Lisa who writes mostly about being a new mom. I've always been impressed with personal bloggers who are freely able to share themselves to the world. It takes a certain something in a person to be able to let themselves be open like that and I fully respect it.What's best is what you can learn from such people as they share their experiences with us. In Lisa's case, she posts tales of being a new mother and there can't ever be enough information and advice on such a thing. Better still is the fact that Lisa's background is in research and within her blog she also responds to news and updates related to her new journey. It really is a delightful corner of the web and like every blog featured in this community, it's well worth the visit. At this point, you probably know what I'm going to say: go visit. :)