Blog of the Week : 04/10 - 04/16 2011

The Blog of the Week for the week of April 10th to the 16th, 2011 is 'The Fighting Newfoundlander'; a politically inclined blog from the mind of Shannon Reardon, who is a self professed 'passoinate Newfoundlander'.  With the federal election campaign in full swing, I thought it pertinent to focus on a political blog this week and Shannon's is a delightful one within the bunch. Her passion for our province is indeed quite evident within her frequently updated posts and her knowledge of politics, both federal and provincial, provide a delightful point of view no matter which end of the political spectrum your values lay. So, here's the point where you stop reading and start visiting. Be sure to say hello and perhaps a respectful debate or two may even be welcomed; click the pic and find out!