Blog of the Week : 02/13 - 02/19 2011

The Blog of the Week for the week of February 13th to the 19th, 2011 is 'Digital Pics'; a photo blog from the mind (or better yet, eye) of Eric Bartlett who resides in St. John's. The first thing that jumps out at me with this space (well the 2nd thing; it's impossible to not notice the pictures first) is the frequency of posts found here. It's a near daily occurrence, with each post displaying his talent to beautifully capture whatever subject he focuses on. From browsing, you quickly realize that these subjects can be just about anything but, there is a main focus on landscapes and scenery of our beautiful province. It's been a while since we've featured a photo blog here and with so many of these type listed it's about time we did again so, enough with the words. It's time to focus on some pictures. Go visit Erics blog!