200 Plus Again!

It's always a happy day when I finally get a chance to add new blogs to the the community and today we have a hearty new group of additions; 9 in total. Each are now listed in the main roll to the left and the related category in the right sidebar.

Better still is the fact that by adding these newcomers we break the 200 total mark which is something we haven't done in years. We currently stand at 208 which is pretty close to breaking a record I think but, I'll have to check the history to see what I can find out for sure on that...

Meanwhile, I should stop blabbering and get to the newbies. You don't care about the numbers, you want the blogs... so here they are!  Be sure to check them all out, read a lot of posts and say hello while you're there. Enjoy!

Gillys Gab

Mike Mahoney  - Newfoundland Photographer

The Rural Lens

The Spice Who Loved Me

Poor Man’s Bike

The Fourth Corner

A Moving Tale

Sou'wester Soul

St. Patrick's Convent School

Yee haw!!