Twitter Tips for NL Bloggers

Twitter has been invaluable to our community as of late and I'm not only talking about the wealth of new blogs I've discovered either. The ability to spread the word about our beloved blogroll to a whole new group of socially connected people has been very worthwhile. Not only have I met a tonne of new and awesome folks, many new visitors are checking out this blog as well and thus, everyone else's blogs. Most of all though, twitter has been fun and if you're a user yourself and an NL Blogger, you're going to want to read up.

Twitter Lists
I've created a bunch of Newfoundland and Labrador related twitter lists (NL Newsies, NL Arts, NL People and Newfoundlandia), some of them displayed on the sidebar, but the main one we have to chit chat about is the one dedicated to this BlogRoll community: NL Bloggers. It currently sits at 136 followed, all bloggers from the province also using twitter. If you're not listed there yet, let me know and I'll rectify that problem (@seliharris).

NL Blogger's Daily
A related initiative comes from a free service ( which collects links from tweets into one online 'Newspaper'. I've created one for us (NL Blogger's Daily) which will collect posts found in the NL Bloggers Twitter list daily. Every 24 hours a new paper will be created and with that, a new tweet of the top stories selected from these posts sent out to the twitter-verse. Lovely no?

Twitter Feed
Speaking of sending posts into the twitter-verse, I strongly recommend any blogger n' twitter user sign up for TwitterFeed. It's again another free service which automatically tweets whenever you post a new entry to your blog. It creates a short url of your post and includes it in the tweet, along with the title. It also lets you add a prefix and suffix (any text you want) to the tweet as well. For mine, I decided to have 'NL Blog Post' before the link and title followed by a couple hashtags: #Newfoundland #Blogs. It can be anything you want though. Have fun with it. I think it's a great tool to easily help promote your blog posts. Check it out.

As you can see, I've been busy trying all kinds of new way to help promote all of us here. Twitter has provided me an opportunity to network with a boatload of new people and with that an ability to talk about this beloved community we have here. That to me is worth all the time I spend there.

Of course, I'm slightly twit-dicted, so that helps too...

, BlogRoll