NL BlogRoll is Twit-dicted

I'm slightly behind the curve on this one perhaps but, as of late things have gone all Twitter-pated around these parts. Though having an account on the (highly addictive) social network for quite some time, it's only as of late that I've really used it... and obsessively used it I have. The good thing is that in that obsessive use, I have found a wealth of new blogs to share. Better yet, I see the opportunity for many more to be revealed as I continue to play around and as anyone who has been following this blog knows,  I love finding new bloggers to add to our community!

This new Twitter addiction is quite exciting for me at the moment as it provides a new opportunity to further develop our online community of social media enthusiasts. I've already gone ahead and added a couple of feed gadgets to the sidebar here in effort to help promote the many Newfoundland and Labradorian users I've managed to find already: One feed is a list of people from our province and the 2nd is one for random provincial tweets from businesses, news organizations, entertainment folks and all things in between. If you have a twitter account, feel free to follow the lists and keep in touch!

Oh, and at this point it's important for me to note that my Twitter account is my personal account and the posting there will not be limited to all things related to this great province of ours, nor always about this awesome collection of blogs. Just so you know...

And with that said, it's time for me to stop gabbing and share the newest blogs added to the list. As always, be sure to go say hello!

NL Dads Blog

Bigger Pants

Live Rural Newfoundland & Labrador

Candice does the world

Calling Shotgun

We Be's Bloggin'

Corner Brook Running Club

Brian Carey Photography

Blue Hair. Green Attitude. Off-Colour Vocabulary

Welcome aboard newbies!  I'm gone to look for more...