Principles of being a Conservative

I’ve had some thoughts on what is or isn’t a Conservative. What can you strip away or add and still be considered a core belief in the movement. Many people believe that if you believe in X, Y or Z you can’t be a true Conservative, to an extent that is true. However I believe that the vast majority of Canadians are middle of the road people, me included.

Below are the 10 core principles of what I consider to be Conservative beliefs. Yes I know, there is more to everything then the few words I’m listing, there are many buts, and what if’s. These core principle though, its the implementation and the meanings that cause us all grief.

1. Lower taxes.
2. Less government.
3. Free market.
4. Strong military.
5. Universal health care.
6. Universal education.
7. Effective social programs.
8. Tough on crime.
9. Free speech.
10. Freedom of religion/freedom from religion.

These are the principles that should unify us, not divide us.